Friday 24 April 2015


Your promises are really promising,
Your appearance is so convincing,
And your smile sends me miles,
That's why I'm here with these files.

You said you meant every word,
And so I should face my world,
I grabbed the very last chance
And here I come on a balance.

Maybe I was wrong or young
And you thought it's less a deal
But I assured you, I'm strong
Enough to keep going along

Now,  here you are, at my reception
With looks painted with deception
Trying to break your promises,
By intruding into my premises

Thursday 23 April 2015


The night is in as usual,
It’s here though without invite
This game seems casual
Are you going to be in, despite?

Blessed do I count myself
Doing the dinner dance with you
Hidden in my precious shelf
Is my gift of treasure meant for you

We have the blue Saturday,
So warm and freely at our disposal
Our summer time is today
Please, do you accept my proposal? 

To be your guardian angel,
To be there for you round the clock
And to climb with you every rock
Would you accept me as your angel?

Thursday 9 April 2015

Show Me

Show me how you feel,
Tell me the feeling is true
Would run away with me?
To the apex of the mountain?
So we can catch that glimpse,
Of the world at wide and wild.
Show me your favorite colors.
Tell me how to treat you good.
Would you be there for me?
Through better to worse?
So we can build a brighter future?
Of love and happiness in life.
My melodies shan't fade out.
The pitch'd remain soft,
And the energy'd be right.
So show me the pictures.

Friday 3 April 2015

Blazing Affection

While on my way from the North,
I peeped from West, East to South.
Hoping to rest my eyes upon,
What I'd always look on.
But it's still amazing how...
My taste is still blazing now.
Where is the love we seek?
Or is everyone that sick?
The entry to that special heart,
Is the second treasure I'd search.
This is just why, I'd still be strong,
So I can right every lovely wrong.