Tuesday 5 April 2016


I am in love with you
Whatever you may think
Wherever you may be
Whatever you may be up to
I love you just the way you are
My heart yearns for you all the times
My head swells and gets heavy
When I hear you call my name
You are the woman in my dream
You are my hope across the stream
So just tell me what's on your mind
And let's bring our pieces into a bind
Don't bother about what people may say
For I am willing to lay my heart for you
Let me take you around the world
And let's make some dreams a reality


Distance is about breaking us into two
But I am working hard against that
Because I don't want to lose you
Given how dear you are in my heart

Every single day that passes by,
I wish I have strong wings to fly
But instead, all I can do is cry
Because missing you is not a lie

I am missing your warm presence,
Which gives me comfort with essence
Please do deliver on your promise
And soon report at my premises

The phone calls and the text messages
Only reminds me of how far away you are
Loneliness I learnt is a silent killer disease
So please come back and release me

Across the fences, I'd keep looking
Hoping you'd be here anytime soon
With bright smiles like a full moon
So fail me not, you're the one I'm looking

Sunday 3 April 2016

Need You Home

The sun shines bright,
And the daylight bright

The fields grow green,
And the blue sky's seen

The birds fly high,
And the clouds soar nigh

The kids love play,
And we do sound great

Love is what I see,
When I look in your eyes

The summer is near,
But you are still far dear

Promise me my dear,
That you'd be here this year

Because I miss you,
Your smiles and touches too

Yes, we talk on the phone,
But I still need you home

Need I say this,
That I've been all alone
Since the days you left home
And the talks on the phone
Make me miss you more


You are slowly taking me away
From where I'm bound to stay
You are allover my system
From my root up to my stem

This feeling feels fine
Telling me that you are mine
It's not like any other
Because it feels ever better

Without a second thought,
I want to be in your arms
Let me work on your farm
Even after the third thought

Your smile infects me
With the virus I much adore
Promise to never bail me
From the joy behind the wall

Now let me rather take you away
On my wings of love
To a far and better place
Where we'd find comfort to stay

Because I want to be yours
From now till time immemorial 

Friday 25 March 2016

Dying For You

I am taking the challenge
To climb the highest range
And descend the lowest valley
To traverse the longest disntance
And bend the most acute angle
I am fighting the toughest battle
To win the favor of your heart
I am proclaiming this loudest
To show the world it's real

Will you be there for me?
Especially when I need you the most?
Will you take me seriously?
If I tell you am dying for you?
Will believe it when I say,
My friends think am a fool?

I just want you to know this one thing,
That I have falling flat on your floor
You can take me every mile
And I'd still keep my warm smile
Because I have found a treasure in you
That makes me feel totally complete


I am standing in between two extremes
You are at one end and me at the other

I need to choose between you and me
And such alone is taking me away
I am in love and I can't deny it
So, I am choosing you above myself
I am promising to be there for you
To live and die but for only you
I hope you feel them same way too
Because this feeling feels very mutual
And it's all towards and for you

I wish I am a comedian,
To make you laugh a million times
I wish I am a teacher,
To make you learn with thrilling prime
I wish I am a doctor,
To heal you off all your sicknesses

I am doing everything for you,
I shall protect and defend you
I shall entertain and revive you
And I shall be yours for the taking

All for you my dearest in the world.