Saturday, 17 December 2011

Mama African

I love you Mama African
But I know you love me more
You owed to make me a man
But now, I owe you even more
You are the best of all the women
As you are the mother of all men
I hold you in higher esteem
Even if it's just a mere dream
You are the woman of prime
And the best of the time

Mama African...Mother of my world
You are the foundation on which I lay
No one is as yet great as you
That's why I am always loving you
Mama! I am sorry for being contrast
When I was young in the past
You taught me right from wrong
And told me to also be strong
Now that I can see the light
It's clear you were right

So Mama African,
Today, that I am a man
You deserve the credit

NB: Lyrics

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